Bass Rock Island
[Sea Birds]
These young gannets are 12 weeks old, and ready to tumble off the rock, hopefully learning to fly before they hit the sea. Three quarters of the young perish before reaching independence.
[Sea Birds]
During the spring tides the waves can reach the top of the lighthouse,150 feet high. The Lighthouse was constructed on the site of the old Governor's house in 1902. The small chapel (below) built around 1491 has a style of masonry similar to other old Culdee chapels throughout Scotland and was dedicated to Saint Baldred in 1546.
The Gannet is Britain's largest sea bird with a wing span of just under two meters. This colony holds approximately 10% of the world population of North Atlantic Gannets whose scientific name, Sula bassana, incorporates the name of this rocky stack.

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[Sea Birds]

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